About Linnen & Silk

EN: Linnen & Silk is a vibrant and youthful brand established in 2024. We are dedicated to discovering and presenting high-quality, cost-effective silk and linen products. The founder of the brand was deeply influenced by Chinese culture and manufacturing from a young age. This unique and ancient cultural heritage, along with the exquisite craftsmanship of Chinese manufacturing, has endowed him with a keen insight that enables him to uncover high-quality silks and linen materials.
Our mission is to make your shopping experience enjoyable and effortless while adding a touch of luxury to your life. Through our products, we hope you can feel the charm and impact of the Silk Road, as well as the distinctive allure of the Oriental Pearl. Every product from Linnen & Silk represents our pursuit of high-quality living and our respect for traditional craftsmanship. We believe that only those who truly love life can create such wonderful products.
CN: Linnen & Silk是一个年轻且充满活力的品牌,创立于2024年。我们致力于发现并呈现高品质且性价比卓越的丝与麻制品。品牌的创始人自幼便深受中国文化与中国制造的熏陶,这种独特而古老的文化底蕴以及精湛的中国制造工艺赋予了他一种敏锐的洞察力,使之能够发掘高品质的丝绒和麻料制品。
我们的使命是让您的购物体验愉快而轻松,同时为您的生活增添一抹小奢侈。我们希望通过我们的产品,让您在感受丝绸之路的魅力与震撼的同时,也能领略到东方之珠的独特韵味。每一件Linnen & Silk的产品,都是我们对高品质生活的执着追求和对传统工艺的尊重与传承的体现。我们相信,只有真正热爱生活的人,才能创造出如此美好的产品。
Mobile & WhatsApp: +31 6 87990208
E-mail: service@linnenensilk.nl
Address: Linnen & Silk, Marconistraat 107, 2809 PG Gouda